2019 Shale Network Workshop Registration

All Users: Please use this form to register for the workshop, submit your abstract for a presentation at the workshop, or both. All participants are welcome to join us for the workshop regardless of whether they submit an abstract for a presentation. 
UPDATE: The field trip scheduled for Thursday is now full. If you have questions, please contact Shelly McCall (maf37@psu.edu).
Register for the Workshop: Please fill out and submit the form below to register for the workshop.
Submit an Abstract: Please fill out and submit the form below to submit your poster abstract for the workshop. Alternately, you can submit your poster abstract by email to Shelly McCall (maf37@psu.edu).
Doing both? If you are registering for the workshop and submitting a poster abstract, you can do both by filling out and submitting the form below.
Participants who need support for lodging: We have reserved a limited block of rooms at the Nittany Lion Inn. Lodging will be provided for select visitors on a first-applied basis. In the form below, please indicate if you require lodging for May 16. If you are requesting lodging assistance, please wait for us to contact you as reservations must be made through the Shale Network, not directly with the Nittany Lion Inn. There are a limited number of rooms still available on a first come, first served basis.
If you were offered funding support but do not want it (or cannot accept it), please email Shelly McCall at maf37@psu.edu
Participants who did not receive an invitation: If you did not receive an invitation but are interested in attending the workshop, please fill out the form and use the additional information box to tell us about yourself, your activities, what topics you are interested in, and whether you need funding. We hope to be able to fund all participants who need support, and we encourage a wide variety of participants, from watershed groups to academic scientists to industry personnel. Non-invited participants are encouraged to submit a poster abstract or to come without giving a presentation. 
Parking: Parking is available at the Nittany Lion Parking Deck next to the Nittany Lion Inn.
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