Shale Network 2017 Workshop Tentative Agenda now available

Shale Network 2017 Workshop,

May 18-19, 2017

Sharing Data about Shale Gas Development: From Drilling to Disposal

Thursday, May 18

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -- Field Trip: Visiting a Hypothetical​ Site for a UIC Well (Council Run Field) for Waste Disposal. Meet at Atherton Hotel at 9:45 a.m. Transportation will be provided. Participants should bring a packed lunch

(Organizers: Dave Yoxtheimer, Mike Canich, Bruce Jankura)

1:30 to 2:30 p.m. -- Workshop Registration in Atherton Hotel Lobby

2:30 p.m. -- Computer module participants meet in Atherton Hotel Lobby. Walk together to computer lab on PSU Campus, 203 IST Bldg Click here for walking instructions 

3 p.m. -- Computer Module Demostration and Hands-On Exercise: “Environmental Issues Related to Brine Disposal from Oil/Gas Development in Pennsylvania” 

(Organizers: Liza Brazil (CUAHSI); Stew Beattie, Seth Pelepko, and Harry Wise (PA DEP); Susan Brantley, Dave Yoxtheimer, Andrew Nyblade (PSU)

6 p.m. -- Poster set up in Regency Ballroom, Atherton Hotel

6 to 7 p.m. -- Workshop Registration, Atherton Hotel Lobby

6:30 to 9:30 p.m. -- Poster Session with reception and cash bar, Regency Ballroom, Atherton Hotel

Friday, May 19

113 IST Building (morning sessions)

7:30 a.m. -- Continental Breakfast

8 a.m. to Noon -- Plenary Speakers

Earth-Engineering Sciences Building (EES)

Lunch -- Walk to Earth-Engineering Sciences Building for Lunch and afternoon breakout sessions

Afternoon Breakout Sessions -- 

114 EES Building: Surface and Ground Water Issues

116 EES Building: Brines: From Geological Source to Disposal                     

2017 Workshop Registration

Click here to register for the 2017 workshop